Hike Out

By Lee

Half way there...light-years to go...

The last day in the Canyon began early — 5:30 a.m. — with a quick breakfast and an hour of rafting to the start of the Bright Angel Trail. Ed and I rode with Lorna, while the rest of the boys paddled their way with Ed Hasse. During most of the ride, I napped on the edge of the boat, as Marc would tell you I did a lot during the trip. I do love naps! A rapid or two awoke me, but not for long. By 7:15 a.m., we arrived at the small beach from which we began our hike. Like ants working for their queen, we all hurriedly moved about the beach, changing into our walking shoes, soaking ourselves in the cold river to beat the heat that awaited us, and adjusting our packs. Lee_HikeoutVictory.jpg (29710 bytes)


Jeff conjured up a number of bottles of spring water, some of which he stuffed in his pack and others of which he offered to the group. Much later in the day, one of those bottles would again appear. Some of us, including Jeff, Ed and I, got moving a bit before the others. I walked quickly at first, knowing that the hot sun — which would later hit a hundred degrees — wasn't far behind.

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Before the walk gets serious...

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Camel Fronts

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WE MADE  IT !!!!

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